Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday again...

Today I managed to finish up in doing the BP notes. To be exact I've compiled all the past year questions that was highlighted by Nita, my former lecturer... It's hard though sfter six month of break & now I need to get back to work....

Back to books & notes.. Honestly its hard to recall back what is being thought after my mind is almost switched off for nearly six months...

Now, I'm trying my very best to get my head back in the "game" (studies)... Ya allah.... Berilah aku kekuatan serta ingatan yang cerdas demi kelancaran & kemajuan dalam pelajaran ini...

I'm unsure what's in my mind right now... No appetite since March 2009... Good enough I didn't lose weight... But I hope to lose weight but to no avail... Lose weight for a healthy lifestyle... Why not?....

I don't even know what I'm writing... Harap aku tak bual merepek sudah.... That's it for now....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Lonely & Quiet Night

It has been a while since I last blog... 22 days past real quick... I'm writing in bed... What a quiet & peaceful night... Everyone seems 2 b asleep except me... Am i like a night owl??? I should have gotten some sleep but I just couldn't... Too many worries in mind... About 30 more days to exam & this is driving me "crazy"....

Too be honest, what I'm feeling right now is very "lonely", "kesunyian", "kesepian"... Any more words to describe???? I'm confused... Sometimes I just feel that I need someone by my side...

Aku tahu bahawa hanya allah sahaja yang tepat untuk dijadikan tempat mencurahkan segalanya tapi kadang2, ake rasa aku memerlukan seseorang untuk berkongsi cerita... I need someone by my side... A life companion perhaps... Tapi sampai sekarang, aku belum menemukan orang yang tepat untuk dijadikan "teman hidup"....

Tak lama lagi,aku akan memasuki gerbang usia yang ke 20 tahun... Tanpa disedari, masa berlalu dengan begitu pantas sekali... Harapan aku di usia ini, aku akan dapat mencapai sesuatu dalam kehidupan ini... Berjaya di pelajaran, secure a job in the industry & insya allah segera dipertemukan dengan "jodoh".... Since jodoh itu di tangan allah, aku hanya mampu untuk berserah... Memohon yang terbaik darinya itu sudah menjadi satu kemestian...

Sepertinya sekarang ini hujan sudah pun menurun dengan lebat sekali... What a heavy rain & I'm still focusing to write since I can't sleep... Perhaps this will be my longest post...

Since I can't sleep, let me just set up a criteria for my "dream guy"

He must be a "muslim" cos religion is the most important factor....

1. Someone with a good sense of humour will attract my attention... Yup I like a guy who can joke around & most importantly can make me laugh...

2. Don't get too serious cos that will make me bored... But know when to be serious... Be serious at the right time... Seorang yg penyabar...

3. I'm an easy going person... Always try my best to be relax... I hope the same too for "him"

4. An honest person.. Senantiasa berterus terang if something is not right... Any problem,let's solve it together..

5. Give & take is a must... Sikap bertolak ansur & mengalah.. Understanding each other behaviour... Everyone makes a mistakes but it's not wrong if we give in once in a while 4 his/her happiness...

6. Can accept me the way I am & not forcing me to be someone else... Menerima aku apa adanya tanpa memaksa aku untuk berubah menjadi org lain... Menerima kekurangan & kelebihan masing2...

7. Pls i hate a guy who force me to do this & that.... I don't like 2 force anyone so pls don't force me to do something which i don't like....

Finally, I really hate a guy who uses force towards a lady... I hate violence... When this happens, my attraction towards him will be automatically gone just like that... Additional to that, I hate cigarrette smokes... So stay away from me when you are smoking!!

That's a simple criteria right??? I'm not a demanding person you see... I just wanna feel comfortable when I'm with him.... Overall hygiene is the most important factor. It's the only thing that I shall judge based on his outer appearance.

A guy with a good looks will be a bonus for me... Who can resists a good looking guy... Aku tak munafik... Aku juga ingin memiliki pasangan hidup yang mempunyai paras rupa yang kacak... Tapi rupa yang tampan saja tidak cukup untuk menjamin perhubungan yang kekal... It will be great if we can get a guy with both good attitude & looks as well... Alangkah indahnya jikalau ada lelaki seperti itu... Tapi cuma allah yang mempunyai jawapan itu... Ku berserah segalanya kpdnya...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleepless Night Again...

I had a sleepless night again... But, this time round is not so bad. Since I manage to atleast sleep for a few hrs but gosh I felt very uneasy... My eyes are heavy probably due to the inproper sleep that I had last night. I sleep around 3am +++ i guess... Close my eyes, forced it to sleep but it's kinda hard to do that..

Ya allah.. Da kenapa la dengan aku ni... Susah sangat nak tidur... Ada aja yang difikirkan dalam minda aku ni... Terfikir soal exam, kerja, masalah-masalah di sekeliling... Bila fikiran ini akan tenang...

Aku mengerti kali ini aku mesti berusaha sekuat tenaga dengan bersungguh-sungguh untuk lulus kali ini... Doesn't want "history to repeat itself".. Aku tidak mahu mengulanginya buat kedua kali.. Cukup la sekali aku kecewa..

Aku telah pun mencuba untuk memohon pekerjaan di beberapa tempat... Harapan aku semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.. Tapi seandainya apa yang diingini tidak tercapai, aku harus mengambil hikmah di sebalik semua ini... Mungkin allah memberi aku waktu yang terluang ini untuk berusaha melatih minda demi mempersiapkan diri berjuang dalam medan peperiksaan...

Insya allah kali ini aku enggan mengecewakan diri sendiri & siapapun yang telah banyak berkorban demi membantu aku mendapatkan masa depan yang cerah... Mungkin setelah ini, aku tidak bakal menulis secara aktif seperti sebelumnya..

I will try to update as frequent as I could but due to time constraint, I will only update once in a while if I'm free... Till now, gotta prepare 4 the exam : -)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's APRIL FOOL but no tricks 4 me

Without realising, time flies really fast.. Now it's already past the quarter of the year. I had a sleepless night again. But only manage to get about two hours of sleep. It's very hard for me to open my eyes early in the morning but I forced open my eyes. Doesn't wanna get to lazy to continue sleeping.

As for today I have a plan to revise my pract comp... It's been 7mths since I last study in a class regarding this. Now I'm kinda forgetting how to start up the paper.. I must really try my best & really force myself to digest everything that I've studied... I must get through this once & for all..

I do feel guilty for not revising for BP since its going to be the 1st exam that I'll be going through in less than 2 mths frm now. Since it's a written exam as compared to PC, I must give my full attention & effort to make it through this time.

Mudah-mudahan kali ini saya berjaya... Insya-allah. Amin ya robbal alamin