It's been a while since I last blog. Been busy and what's not, I currently do not have the privilege to access internet anywhere. This will be a very short update. In a matter of weeks, I'll be turning a year older. I shall be celebrating my 2xth birthday soon. How time flies? When I started this blog, it was in February 2009 which is 4 years ago. Have been blogging about what's happening on my special day annually without fail.
As for this year it's kind of different. Maybe because I am no longer a "teenager". One more year and I'll be 2x. I'm learning to be as independent as I could and I am still learning to do so. I dare not pin wishes as I'm afraid that it may not be fulfilled.
What I Hope For?
To be in a good health, happiness, surrounded with great people who can tolerate my craziness, filled with so much love from everyone. I hope I shall meet that special someone whose gonna be my soulmate. I recalled what my sister told me. It's okay to be alone right now because the right one will come one day. Whenever anyone ask me regarding my status, my answer is actually "I already have a special someone. Single? No I'm not because I already have someone special in my life. Who is that guy? Let it be between me and the almighty, Allah SWT.
I shall end my post for now. Till the next time. Cherio! :)