Thursday, July 12, 2018

Letting Go

It's been a long time since I last update my blog. Okay if I look back, erm... that's years ago.

Here's something which I wrote from my heart. After going through plenty of disappointment in life, this best describes my feelings. Trying to put on a smile and pretending nothing happens. Yes it hurts... But at the end of the day, only God knew what's inside my heart.


Let it go...
It ain't easy
But sometimes changes is necessary
Truth hurts but that's reality

Let go of the past to embrace the future
Tears shed along the way is expected
Breakdown is normal
Let go of everything

Appreciate but never humiliate
Be mindful of words spoken
Because it can never be taken back

Nobody's is perfect without any flaws
Never judge anyone easily
Sometimes truth is best left unspoken
Letting go is the hardest thing to do

I ♥ MY LIFE :)